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Six-Figure Web Video Secrets – Dave Kaminski

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Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $52.00.

Do you remember 2007? It was the first year the original iPhone came out. George Bush was president. MySpace was the most popular website and Rihanna had the #1 song with “Umbrella”…ella,ella, ella.

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There Are Gimmicks. And Then There’s The Real Deal.

Do you remember 2007? It was the first year the original iPhone came out. George Bush was president. MySpace was the most popular website and Rihanna had the #1 song with “Umbrella”…ella,ella, ella.

It was also the first year I generated six-figures using web video exclusively. And about a year after that, I began teaching people how to make killer web videos themselves. As far as I know, I was the first person to ever offer training on how to do that.

A lot has changed in the 8 years since then. But a couple things haven’t.

First, there’s still the never-ending parade of breakthrough products that will get you money, rankings, traffic and whatever else…just by clicking some buttons. I call them gimmicks. None of them from 2007 are around anymore

And second, my business has never stopped generating six-figures annually from web video. It’s happened 8 years straight. Even with all of the massive changes in technology, Google, social media and the Internet. You can’t do that with gimmicks. It only happens with something that’s the real deal.

And in a moment, I’m going to share with you how I do this…what that real deal is. And how you can quickly and easily profit from it too. But first I need to let you know…

This Isn’t What You Think It’s About

This isn’t about making money with YouTube. In fact, it has next to nothing to do with YouTube. Shoot, in 2007 everyone thought YouTube would fail.

This isn’t about some magical software. There is no magical software. Software can make your life easier for sure, but it’s not going to put $100,000 in your bank account for you.

This isn’t about some secret, underground traffic source. You know the ones that promise #1 Google rankings with the click of a button. In fact, this isn’t about Google or SEO at all.

And this isn’t about some Facebook or social media breakthrough that will flood you with a river of never-ending sales. What I’m about to share has nothing to do with Facebook or social media (like I said at the top of this page, MySpace was still king when I started doing this).

So then, what exactly is this about? It’s about…

The Fastest, Easiest, Cheapest and Safest Way To Generate a Six-Figure Income Using Only Web Video

Let me explain.

There are basically 3 types of web video. Entertainment, marketing and education. Everyone flocks to the first two…they want a viral hit, to become an overnight sensation or get a flood of traffic and sales with a fancy marketing video.

But the real money is in education videos. That’s because people love to learn. Most do it full-time for 12-16 years of their life. And after school, they still continue learning…sometimes because they want to, sometime because they need to. It never stops. And it’s something they ALWAYS pay for.

The market for teaching people “how to do stuff” with web video is enormous and the opportunities are endless. Better yet, it’s completely immune to all the crazy changes with technology and the Internet. It’s a market that will never go away.

And even better, it’s extremely lucrative (did I mention that learning is something people ALWAYS pay for?). Imagine spending just one weekend putting together some how-to videos and then earning 4, 5, maybe even 6 figures…beginning the very next week.

Sounds crazy, I know. But it’s not. It’s real. I know, because I live it and I’ve been doing it for over 8 years. And now I’m going to show you how to do it too.

But Wait a Minute…Don’t You Need To Be An Expert In Something, Have Special Skills or a Bunch of Money To Do This?

No. Nothing could be further from the truth. And I prove it to you in my new course called Six-Figure Web Video Secrets.

In it, I’m going to walk you through the process of starting with nothing…no knowledge, no skills, no experience, no money…and then quickly produce very lucrative video products that will generate income year after year.

You just watch and learn. The lessons are all laid out step by step (over 3 hours worth). There’s no guesswork, no confusion and no frustration because I lay everything out for you from A to Z…from what to use, to what to do, to how to do it.

  • I’m going to teach you how to come up with more lucrative video product ideas than you could ever possibly need…in just minutes.
  • Think you need a bunch of expensive, complicated equipment and software? Not true at all. In fact, in my training I’ll show you specifically what to use for any budget.
  • You’ll discover how to easily create video products in just one weekend, by using the same step by step workflow that I use for all of my own products.
  • No list, no audience, no traffic, no money? No problem. I’m going to reveal how to successfully launch your video product and start earning money right away…even when you’re starting from zero.
  • I’m going to give you my exact, plug and play blueprint on how to properly sell your video products…just do what I show you to start making sales immediately.
  • Intimidated by techno-mumbo-jumbo? Don’t worry, I’ll make everything plain as day for you…including how to get paid and how to provide secure access to your videos without hassles or headaches.
  • And I’m going to make it all fast, fun, easy and profitable by sharing all of my proven tips, tricks and techniques mastered over the past decade. You want to know how I do it? I show you exactly how I do it in Six-Figure Web Video Secrets.

Make Six-Figures From Your Kitchen Table. No Joke.

One of the coolest things about making lucrative, “how-to” video products is you get to enjoy a lifestyle most people are jealous of.

There’s no commute…unless you count walking into your kitchen, basement or spare bedroom a commute. Personally, I work out of a corner in my basement. But many of my most successful students started making videos from their kitchen table. Some still do.

There’s no boss…you can work how you want, when you want and do what you want. I’ve even created video products in hotel lobbies…while on vacation…products that not only paid for the vacation, but the ones after that too. Not possible with a regular job.

There’s no daily grind…I teach you how to setup websites so they do the selling, collect the money and provide access to the videos for you. It’s all automatic. Take the day off if you want to. Or not. It’s up to you…you can do whatever you want, every single day.

There’s low competition…yes, even with millions of free how-to, videos on YouTube. That’s because the vast majority of those videos are garbage. And it actually makes people crave quality, professional, “real-deal” videos instead…videos that they are happy to pay for. The kind of videos I show you how to make in the training.

Your marketplace is the entire world…you’re not limited to your local area or any other region. The need and desire to learn is global. Last time I checked, I had customers purchasing my video courses in over 30 countries. Do you know what a hungry, global market means for you? More money.

The Most Lucrative Videos To Make Are Also The Easiest To Make

Educational, how-to videos are not only…by far…the most lucrative videos to make, but they are also…by far…the easiest videos to make.

You don’t need to be a video guru to make profitable video products. People aren’t buying jaw-dropping graphics or fancy camera work. They are buying a solution to their problem.

And you can give them that solution with simple videos. It can be you just talking on camera. Or walking them through slides. Or showing a series of photos or video clips while you explain something.

But I’m going to make creating how-to video training courses even more goof-proof for you by including…

An Entire Bonus Suite of Step By Step Courses For Making Your Video Products…

First Up Is Sony Vegas Made Quick and Easy

Sony Vegas is video editing software for Windows. And it’s my go-to software. I’ve created hundreds of video training courses using Sony Vegas and generated hundreds of thousands in video sales with it.

But when most people open Sony Vegas for the first time, they are dumbfounded over what to do next. You won’t need to worry about that with Sony Vegas Made Quick and Easy.

With this course, you’ll learn everything you need to know for creating your own video products using Sony Vegas in just 90 minutes.

Sony Vegas is very powerful video editing software. But you don’t need 90% of what it can do when it comes to creating video products. So in this course, I skip over all the non-essential stuff and show you exactly what you need to know in the real-world, for creating video products.

Next There’s Camtasia 8 Jumpstart

You’ve probably heard of Camtasia. It’s the #1 Windows software when it comes to making screencast videos (recording videos of what you’re doing on your computer screen…like the video of a PowerPoint presentation). But it can also be used for regular on-camera video too.

The problem with it…like most software…is that it can be confusing to use and even more frustrating to get your videos looking as sharp and professional as you want.

But in this step by step course, I’ll show you how to use Camtasia to quickly and easily create just about any type of video you want...whether it’s screen recordings, traditional on-camera video, a mixture of both and more. And have your final product looking beautiful.

This course contains over 3 hours of goof-proof, just watch me do it and repeat it yourself instruction, including a slew of time and frustration saving tips, tricks and techniques.

Then There’s Screenflow For Mac

Like all of my training, I never leave out Mac users. The fact is that I use both Windows and Mac in my business. And in this course, you’ll learn how to use the only video software you’ll ever need on a Mac.

It’s called Screenflow and it’s one of my favorite software titles of all time. With it, you can create screen recording videos (like recording Keynote slides) or you can use it to create videos shot from a regular video camera.

But again, when you first open up Screenflow it can be a little confusing. But with my Screenflow for Mac, I’m going to take you from “a little confused” to master video maker in under 3 hours.

I lay out everything for you, step by step, from A to Z, from beginning to end on how to use Screenflow to create your video products. In fact, what you’ll be seeing is exactly what I do when creating video products using Screenflow.

Next Up, StockCasting Secrets

Stockcasting is when you’re using animated stuff in your videos…like cartoon characters or a white-board where a hand is drawing things on the screen.

And in StockCasting Secrets, I’m pulling double-duty. That’s because stockcasting can be used to create both video products (where it’s an excellent demonstration tool) and marketing videos (where it’s an excellent sales tool). And you’ll learn how to do both.

This course is designed for both Windows and Mac users and I demonstrate the best (and cheapest) tools to use for quickly and easily creating professional, animation-style videos.

The course contains nearly 5 hours of instruction, where you just watch what I do and then repeat it yourself. In the end, you’ll be able to quickly and easily create videos that most people think would cost thousands to make.

And Finally There’s GoPro Secrets

You know the little GoPro cameras that are all the rage in action-sports, where people put them on bikes, surf boards or helmets?

Well, they are actually terrific cameras to use for creating video products. And that’s because they are so small, convenient and shoot such high-quality video.

The problem is, I have yet to meet anyone who can pick up a GoPro camera and figure out how to use it without getting frustrated. That’s another way of saying that these are not the most intuitive cameras in the world.

But you’ll have no worries with my GoPro Secrets course. In under an hour, I teach you everything you need to know about getting great looking (and sounding) video out of a GoPro camera, without hassles, frustrations or headaches.

You Can Chase After Gimmicks or You Can Start Doing What Really Works With Web Video

I can’t put it any more plain to you than this. There is no faster, easier, safer or more lucrative way to make money with web video than creating and selling your own “how-to” video products.

The cost to make them is dirt-cheap. Your biggest investment will actually be your time…and even that’s a small one…as I’ll be showing you how to create video products in as little as one weekend.

They are completely immune to technology changes. In fact, every time technology does change, that’s just another opportunity to create a video course about it.

The competition is low. The number of people who actually know how to properly make and sell how-to video training courses is tiny. Really tiny. That’s why even in markets where there seems to be a large number of similar video training courses being sold, a virtual newcomer can come in and dominate.

And you’ll be learning how to do it all from someone who has successfully been doing it for nearly a decade. No gimmicks. No tricks. Just the straight facts on what to use, what to do and how to do it.

A Complete Package Worth $574…For Just $199

This is the part where I’m supposed to dance around the price for Six-Figure Web Video Secrets. And the truth is if you were to buy everything in this course individually, it would set you back $574. But I’m just going to tell you the price.


Yep, just $199 will get you full, lifetime access to Six-Figure Web Video Secrets. There’s no recurring fees or sneaky add-ons. You can watch the videos in the package as much as you want, whenever you want, from any device you want, forever.

What’s the catch? There is none. You can buy everything in this package individually for $574…or you can get them altogether right now for just $199 (that’s in instant 35% savings).

ONLY $199

Six-Figure Web Video Secrets is just $199 for over 10 hours of step by step training on making your own lucrative video products.


Try the training out for a full 60 days. If you’re not thrilled, we’ll give you your money back. That means no risk for you.


No waiting and no recurring fees. One price gets you instant, lifetime access to the training. No limits. No sneaky fees.


Watch the training however you want. Your computer. Your tablet. Your smartphone. Our videos play everywhere.

So Will You Look Back a Year From Now and Say “I Wish I Had” or “I’m Glad I Did”?

This is your opportunity to get in on something that’s the real deal. Something that has always worked and will always work. The market for how-to videos isn’t going to change or disappear the next time technology does. It only grows.

It’s cheap and easy to get started. You don’t need any experience. You don’t need any skills. The only thing you need is someone who actually knows what they’re doing, guiding you each step of the way. And that’s what I’m giving you in Six-Figure Web Video Secrets.

You can start right now. Follow what I teach, stick with it and you’ll soon discover how easy, fun and lucrative creating and selling your own how-to video products can be.

Just click the big blue button below for instant access to everything.

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  • I understand the price I will be paying today for access to the Six-Figure Web Video Secrets video training course and the 5 additional bonus courses is just $199.
  • I understand I will receive instant access to the Six-Figure Web Video Secrets course along with the 5 additional bonus courses.
  • I understand I will be receiving lifetime access, there are no recurring fees and I can watch the training as much as I want, whenever I want, forever.
  • I understand that after making my payment, I will instantly receive login information with all the instructions I need for the training (IMPORTANT: be sure to whitelist email from “”).

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