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Own The Room – How To Live The David Wygant Lifestyle – David Wygant

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The Secrets to Becoming the Magnetic, Alpha-Male Social God You’ve Always Wanted to Be…

Today is the Day You Learn to Live The David Wygant Lifestyle & Discover the Personal Success Secrets Previously Reserved For $10k+ Paying Clients, Celebrities, Millionaires & Rock Stars

You know my main job is to teach you how to be more successful with women…

But right now I want to talk to you about living the life of your dreams.

The life where you have financial security, you can live anywhere in the world you choose, you can get up at midday and wonder down to the beach, and you spend your nights hanging with celebrities and gorgeous women.

Yes I can help you become successful with women…

But what you may not realize… is when you master other parts of your life (like your career or business), attracting and keeping great women is much easier.

You see…

Men who are successful with women are almost always successful in other areas of their life.

If you have other passions and goals (besides just finding a great woman), you’ll be more relaxed and confident — and women can feel that the minute you meet them.Women have “emotional radar,” and can sense right away if you’re nervous and uncertain… or relaxed and confident.

If you’re comfortable with yourself and your life, a woman will feel secure and want to spend time with you.

If she doesn’t get that good “vibe” about you, she’ll feel insecure and scared… and nothing you say or do can change that.

You’ll have lost your chance with her FOREVER.

Once you become more stable and solid in non-dating parts of your life, you’ll have the confidence of a celebrity… you’ll attract a lot more women… and your social life will become a lot easier.

Right Now, I Want You to Forget Everything You’ve Ever Thought About Life…

And take a look at these men:

Each One of Them Has The Ability…

To walk into a room and f*cking OWN IT.

I don’t care what you think about any of them personally, and I know they don’t care, either. They’ve already made more money than most people do in a lifetime. They’ve had women that most guys can only hope to masturbate to. They have the power to own the room.

You know what I mean when I say “own the room.” I’m talking about having a swagger that’s absolutely and unforgivingly seductive. I’m talking about being able to tell a story and have EVERYONE within earshot listen attentively.

Everyone wants to be their friend. They are the life of the party wherever they go. They are successful, magnetic, alpha-male social GODS.

And the secrets to their social power has only been just a distant, unattainable dream for guys like you. Until now.

Take It From a Millionaire

How do I know this? Because I was once you. And now I’m them.

You see, I wasn’t always David Wygant, internationally acclaimed author, speaker and dating coach. Before I was (and this is 100% true) the inspiration for the 2005 film Hitch, I was a nobody.

I worked jobs that I hated.

I settled for women who were convenient.

I had some friends, but I didn’t have a social circle.

I wasn’t the man I am today. I wasn’t the guy I wanted to be, the man I know you want to be: the confident, evolved man who is successful in all his endeavors.

And when I talk about success, I’m not talking about money. Not just money. Take it from a millionaire: money can’t buy you happiness.

Success is a Mindset

  • It’s financial
  • It’s personal
  • It’s spiritual
  • It’s emotional
  • It’s social
  • It’s sexual

Get Own The Room – How To Live The David Wygant Lifestyle – David Wygant, Only Price $32

I know this because I live it. But like I said, I didn’t always have the life of my dreams. Back in 1997, I had a successful car business. I was making money, but I wasn’t passionate about what I did.

And because of this, I almost lost everything. I lost 7 years’ worth of profits in just 7 months, and I was just one bad check away from defaulting on my mortgage and moving back in with my parents!

It was really painful to watch dollar after dollar go down the drain… day after day. But out of this financial pain I learned a really important life lesson: I would never be in business ever again only to chase money. And I’d never be involved in a business that I wasn’t truly passionate about.

I realized that I was not going to settle, and be anything but my best, authentic self. I wanted to get paid for being myself. I wanted to live an incredibly passionate, fantastic life, and I wanted to teach others how to do that.

I wanted to be passionate and successful every single day. I wanted to meet other people like that and be around a great support group; and wanted to avoid negative energy, and people who weren’t positive anymore.

So that’s exactly what I did.

Did it come in all at once, right away? Not at first — it took a couple of years for the money to flow back in like I wanted it to. But in the process, I forged a rock-solid foundation for every part my life like I never had before.

I discovered that success wasn’t all about doing the right things… but had a lot to do with being the right person. Being someone who’s genuine, authentic, and interesting.

And before long, I was where I wanted to be financiallypersonallyspiritually, and with women. And the great thing is… ANYONE — including YOU can replicate my success when you follow certain steps.

1: Mindset

The same old thinking will always get you the same old results.

You can’t do something that you honestly believe you can’t do. Looking back, by not knowing how to really connect with other people, I limited my happiness, income, and success with women.

BUT… when I got past my negative mindset and learned a key life lesson, things turned around in every part of my life.

2: Connections

As human beings, we’re social creatures — designed to interact and be with other people. You won’t truly or fully succeed being a loner or all by yourself.

Almost all business (and 100% of personal) success comes from how well you connect with and relate to other people. As millionaire best-selling author Robert Kiyosaki says: “The bigger your network, the bigger your net worth.”

3: Presence

So how do celebrities make these powerful, personal connections?

It’s their presence… knowing how to OWN THE ROOM like a celebrity or successful businessman. Imagine having the confidence, charisma and presence to have a deeper, stronger connection with people wherever you go.

And I Show You EXACTLY How to Make These Changes In…


The Secrets to Life & Financial Success

Volume I: My Story

In this 90-minute audio I candidly reveal how I went from struggling to hold down a job without getting fired, to living the life I live now.

You’ll find out how I discovered some of the real tools and secrets to success, and how you can apply them to your own life to create the life of your dreams.

This audio includes:

  • How to network like an A-list celebrity even if you don’t know ANYONE… and how to use your network properly.
  • Why you have to become a “believer” before you achieve any success… I also show you how to “convert” yourself.
  • How you can replicate my success starting TODAY
  • Why you need to get out and about to discover your passion.
  • How to avoid major stress and anxiety… even when things aren’t going your way (So many people go off the rails just before they become successful)
  • How to turn failures into successes… This “secret mindset” is the key to succeeding in EVERYTHING!
  • The one thing ALL entrepreneurs have in common… and how you can copy it to fast track your success.

Volume II: The Power of Observation

This 86-minute audio reveals this little-known (but amazing) power, which can open up more personal and business opportunities than you ever dreamed possible.

You’ll discover:

  • How observing very specific things will ALWAYS get you out of trouble in a conversation (you’ll never be stuck for something to say again)
  • How observing past relationships and patterns can make your new ones successful
  • How to network more effectively and land higher quality business contacts (this “secret” has been worth millions in my own business life)
  • The simple yet powerful ingredient to super-charge a conversation
  • How to forge stronger and deeper relationships with everyone you meet
  • How to maximize your power and influence in business, and dramatically increase your income (millionaires — and even billionaires — use this every single day)
  • How to make yourself instantly memorable
  • How listening more — and talking less — can make you much more successful in dating and business

Get Own The Room – How To Live The David Wygant Lifestyle – David Wygant, Only Price $32

Volume III: Be More Interesting

This power-packed 43-minute MP3 reveals how you can increase your confidence… become more memorable to everyone you meet… and develop your own personal brand.

In this audio, you’ll learn:

  • How to get the unshakable, rock-solid confidence of a celebrity… in every part of your life
  • The celebrity secrets of being memorable
  • How to always focus on your strengths & not on your weaknesses
  • Why you should always do things you love the best… and forget about the rest!
  • How to develop your own personal brand and not copy anyone else
  • Why being real and authentic can increase your “interesting factor”
  • Why it’s critical to treat everyone you meet with respect and genuine interest

Volume IV: Patience & Persistence

Too many guys fail in life (or sell themselves short), because they don’t exercise patience and persistence. This audio will reveal how they can take your life to higher levels of success when you know how to use them.

This MP3 will reveal:

  • Why it’s impossible to succeed in life without being persistent and patient
  • How being impatient can kill opportunities in business and dating (you’ve probably done this in the last 24 hours!)
  • Why you haven’t been successful in dating and business… and how you can break through your mental and emotional barriers!
  • How to give before you getstand out from the crowd, and give yourself a huge competitive edge
  • How to always maintain a mindset of abundance
  • How to improve your self-image (and make you more attractive to women)
  • Why persistence in any area of life is ALWAYS rewarded

But That’s Not All! I Want to Really Turbo-Charge Your Success, So for a Limited Time I’m Also Throwing In These Bonuses:

Bonus #1: The Look of Success

To really “Own the Room” you need to understand how to create your own personal brand or image. You see, wearing a business suit isn’t enough to make you look successful. It’s about knowing what looks good on you, and how to use image to your advantage — no matter what you look like!

On this audio you’ll discover:

  • How to figure out who you really are… and turn yourself into a powerhouse brand everyone remembers.
  • How to know which clothes are going to make you look MAGNETIC
  • How to define your own personal “sexy”… and use it to attract anyone you desire
  • The biggest fashion mistakes men make… and how to avoid them
  • And much more

Bonus #2: The Power of the Walk In — How to Walk Into a Room & Own It

Imagine being able to walk into a room and own it. Imagine everyone stopping in their tracks to see who this strong, powerful, sexy man is that just walked in. Imagine the women who’ll want to talk to you, and the business people who’ll want to offer you amazing opportunities.

In this audio I give you every trick in the book, so you could walk into a room full of celebrities and turn everyone’s head — and feel confident doing it.

You’ll discover:

  • Why the first step you make when you enter a room is the most important… and how to get it right every time
  • How to win a woman’s heart within 10 seconds of turning up at an event
  • How to use the power of eye contact to convey power
  • The different types of handshakes… and what each one means
  • 3 “techniques” to communicate with anyone in the room without saying a word!
  • How to instantly have people treat you like an A-lister… rather than a nobody who just walked in off the street.
  • And much more

Bonus #3: FREE 10-Day Trial of The Slight Edge Society (Optional)

Listen, I know you came here to learn about dating. To learn about sex and attracting and approaching the women you desire. But you know what? I’m about so much more than that. You see, you can apply these same principles and be successful in so much more than your dating life. I’m talking about TOTAL success in EVERY area of your life. Health. Wealth. Mindset. All of it.

And that’s why I created The Slight Edge Society — an exclusive community of likeminded men & women who are dedicated to improving their lives just a little bit each day. Because I truly believe that, whether we’re talking about attraction or money or health, the difference between a winner or a loser is just that slight edge.

Members of The Slight Edge Society get a ton of amazing bonuses:

Weekly Videos

Every week, I will introduce you to my personal network of leaders in all fields, from love to wealth to health. I’ve spent the last 20 years working in the personal development industry and my contacts are like a who’s who in all of the above — and I am going to give you access to the people you’ve always wanted to meet and learn from but were never able to connect with.

Here’s just a taste of what I’ll expose you to:

  • Health tips to live a longer life
  • Cutting-edge business strategies that enable you to increase your income
  • Wealth-building strategies
  • Dating & relationship advice that will help you on the path for love
  • Techniques for expanding your network to become a leader and a social magnet
  • Secrets from world leaders on how to manifest the life you desire

Monthly Webcast Calls

You will also have the opportunity to jump on a one-hour webcast with me at 6 p.m. PST on the last Tuesday each month where we will explore and go over in finer detail what we are all working on and what you’ve been exposed to that month.

But more importantly, these calls give you direct & exclusive access to me. You will be able to ask me questions during the calls based on specific things that pertain to your life, from dating to health and success.

Monthly Product Downloads

I have thousands — literally thousands — of unreleased products that Slight Edge Society members will get EXCLUSIVE access to each month.

That’s right. A free product every month that will give you the chance to expand on what you’ve learned in the monthly webcasts and video modules and put techniques into practice that will accelerate your personal growth in these areas.

Our Annual Mastermind Day Retreat

As a member of the Slight Edge Society, you will be invited to an exclusive yearly retreat: the Slight Edge Mastermind Day. Because as a member, I want to give you the chance to connect with like-minded people. At this retreat, you will be able to network, meet other members, and of course just have a great time!

10% OFF ALL Coaching Programs & Bootcamps

But that’s not all! Slight Edge Society members also get 10% off ALL coaching programs that I offer. That includes:

  • Hourly Phone Coaching
  • Email Coaching Packets
  • One-on-One Weekend Coaching
  • Intensive Monthly Coaching
  • Weekend Bootcamps
  • Personalized Date Evaluations

…and ANY other coaching program I offer on my website!

With this free bonus, you will be receiving a 10 day free trial to The Slight Edge Society, where you will receive exclusive members-only videos, downloads, and webcast coaching sessions. You can cancel at anytime through our 24-Hour Help Desk. If you decide you want to continue as a subscriber, you will be billed $49.95 every month and continue to receive these AMAZING, exclusive bonuses each month.

This bonus is completely optional and you’ll be able to “accept” or “deny” it on the checkout page.

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