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VIP Inner Circle Teleseminar – Hot Phone Sex – David Shade

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VIP Inner Circle Teleseminar – Hot Phone Sex – David Shade

Discover How Simply Using Your Voice And A PhoneYou Can Give Your Woman Wild Screaming Orgasms! Better Than Any Sex Toy, Better Than Any Previous Lover, Even Better Than Her Own Fingers!

Finally A Step-By-Step Guide To Becoming A Master Of Dirty Talk, Naughty Narration, And The Forbidden Erotic Fantasies Women Desperately Crave

Dear Friend,

If you have ever wanted the women you have sex with to say you are the best lover she’s ever had, this will be the most exciting message you will ever read.

My name is David Shade. I’m 59 years old, bald, skinny, and a nerd (I have two degrees in engineering). This is not the stuff of action heroes or romance novels!

Yet, women consistently tell me I’m the most amazing lover they have ever been with, and the orgasms they have with me are mind-blowing and earth-shattering. Even when these women have been with much younger men, more physically attractive men, and men with a bigger penis.

Learn how I’m doing it – and how you can too – by reading this letter

The truth is that age, looks, and the size of your johnson have nothing to do with the kind of orgasms a woman experiences. It has all to do with knowing the real secrets to giving women massive pleasure.

You see, there is one thing all sensual women crave from a man during sex, and sadly most men are afraid to give women what they desire most. I’ll tell you what it is in a minute, first let me tell you how I accidentally figured it out.

Way back in 1992, I found myself divorced and alone. I had custody of our two small children. After I put them to bed at 9:00, I was stuck at home and lonely as hell.

I couldn’t go out and meet women, and this was before Internet dating sites, chat clients, and text messaging existed. So I turned to the telephone as a way to get the human contact with women I was missing.

During late night phone calls with women I never met the secrets were revealed to me

I answered personal ads and left my contact details. When the women called me back, they didn’t know me. This was before caller ID and totally anonymous, and allowed the women to feel totally safe with me. I later realized the safe space was an essential piece.

By choosing wisely, I was able to find women I could get rapport with very quickly, even though we were complete strangers.

It wasn’t long before I figured out how to quickly engage each woman’s passions to the point where on the very first call, fully 80% of these women would have wildly erotic phone sex with me!

And all of these women were attractive, educated, professional women.

I was lethal. The phone would ring, and I knew that within one hour, another woman that I had never spoken to, would be screaming in orgasmic ecstasy.

It became easy to give women knee-buckling orgasms after I figured out the formula

I know it sounds bizarre. It surprised me! I couldn’t believe how simple it was to rock a woman’s world, after I figured out the formula.

It became almost routine. I usually had to work the next day. So I’d be getting women off while I ironed my shirts. I would literally be having phone sex while I folded my laundry.

I was having a blast, and women were calling me all the time to indulge in this kinky behavior. They would share their fantasies and beg me for more.

I had stumbled on something amazing here and I wanted to understand why these women were able to have such a powerful orgasm with a complete stranger without any physical touching.

What was so different about narrating sex that drove these women wild? The answer was obvious once I figured it out, but like most men I had been blind to the most important need a woman has during sex.

The accidental discovery that let me give women orgasms using only my voice

After I started dating again, I met a woman who was very sexual I really enjoyed. Geography kept us apart most of the time, so I gave her pleasure with my new found phone sex techniques.

She loved it! It made our relationship better, and it was so much more fun than the “Hi, how was your day” type phone calls.

One night I was feeling mischievous and decided to try something new just to see what would happen. I decided to tease her by not letting her touch herself.

My plan was just to keep her excited for a long period of time before I gave her permission to touch herself so she could orgasm. Instead what happened shocked us both.

For the first time ever I made a woman orgasm during phone sex – without her touching herself!

She had a raging orgasm! It hit her hard and it took awhile for her to get her breath. I’m not sure who found it harder to believe, her or myself.

I didn’t sleep that night trying to figure out how it was possible for a woman to orgasm with no physical touch.

Just to be sure this wasn’t a fluke I did it with her again and it worked again. I did it with another woman, and it worked again. Then another. I could consistently repeat the successful results every time. I still didn’t know why, but I was excited. I was about to learn the secret that changed everything for me.

For a woman to truly enjoy sex…you must engage her erotic mind

Suddenly it all made sense to me. I understood why phone sex was so effective. Why women like really dirty talk in the bedroom. Why women enjoy it so much when I narrate fantasies for them.

This one secret, gave me the keys to the kingdom of wild sexual adventures with every woman I meet.

The gateway to her secret fantasy erotic mind

Listen, if up till now you didn’t have any idea about this… it’s okay, women rarely tell you because they don’t want to hurt your feelings, or more commonly women don’t even know it themselves. And you’re definitely not going to learn it in school, church, or at the dinner table with your family!

By learning how to powerfully engage a woman’s erotic mind I’ve developed some of my most powerful sexual techniques, and have led women that normally lead boring routine middle class suburbia lifestyles into having amazingly kinky adventures.

By leveraging the unlimited potential of a woman’s erotic mind I developed the following advanced techniques for giving a woman pleasure:

  • The Thinkoff
  • Orgasm On Command
  • The External Orgasm
  • The Extended Orgasm
  • The 1-Hour Orgasm
  • Instant Orgasm
  • Sexy Dirty Talk
  • Rapid Fire Orgasms

My sex life was off the charts! Women loved me and couldn’t get enough. It wasn’t long before other men noticed, and began asking me what I was doing that had women more excited than cats when they hear a can opener.

So I began writing about my discoveries. The Internet was taking off, so I joined forums where men talked about women and began to post reports from my sexual explorations.

These writings were such a big hit, I later created books. My writings became legendary to men all over the world.

There was just one problem… men who read my books would only focus on the physical techniques. They would ignore the part women craved the most, to inflame her fantasies and engage her erotic mind.

Then it came to me… the best way to teach men how to do what I do would be to give them real examples of me giving a woman an orgasm. And the best way I know to learn how to use your voice to get deep into her mind is during phone sex.

Learn Phone Sex techniques refined to lethal effectiveness from 1000’s of hours experience with hundreds of women.

Listen, there’s no better way for you to easily learn how to use dirty talk, naughty narration, and erotic fantasy than on the phone.

So for the first time I’m providing real world examples of me leading a woman through progressively more advanced types of phone sex scenarios I’ve developed and refined over many years.

Here’s just a taste of what you’ll learn on this program:

The 3 Things you MUST do before a woman will have phone sex with you.

How with a single WHISPER you can make her explode in ecstasy. (I promise you, no other man has ever done this for her)

Simple ways for you to establish rapport, connection, and build the trust a woman needs to have phone sex with you.

The 9-step sequence of pleasure that leads to her Instant Orgasm on your command. (It’s not only possible… it’s easier than you think)

How you can give women the gift of Multi-Dimensional orgasms.

The sneaky way to get her to imagine doing the ‘naughty’ things you haven’t yet done in the bedroom. (And she’ll have an orgasm while thinking about it)

How you can quickly discover her most intimate sexual fantasies. (She wants you to know, she just won’t volunteer them to you)

How you can quickly create a safe space for her to unleash her sexuality with you.

Be the first man to give her an ‘external’ orgasm. (She’ll be shocked and amazed… then beg you for more)

An easy way for you to become a Master of Dirty Talk that turns women on.

The never-fail statement that always leads to phone sex.

The foolproof Secret Sharing technique guaranteed to open up the floodgates of her desire.

The 2 things a woman needs to know about you, before she’ll tell you what her DEEPEST DESIRES are. (When you do this, she’ll give you the keys to her kingdom)

The 15 words that get her juices flowing every time. (It works like magic)

How to know when a woman is ready for phone sex. (It’s easy to spot when you know what to listen for)

Why Dirty Talk on the phone is even more potent than in the bedroom.

The single most critical point where men screw up, and how you can easily avoid this trap.

How you can lead a woman you’ve never met from unknown to orgasm in less than 1-hour using just your voice and a phone.

Get women to share their DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS with you in a matter of minutes. (it’s not only easy, you’ll find out just how kinky she wants to be with you)

The 3 essential stages of phone sex. (Just like real sex, you can’t start with intercourse)

How to smoothly move into phone sex on any phone call. (You won’t get stuck in ‘fluff talk’ and waste your time)

The TRINITY OF WETNESS – guaranteed to get her panties soaked. (She’ll need a towel under her once she takes them off)

How you can make your phone sex so NATURAL… it seems like it ‘just happened’. (She’ll never know when to expect it)

2 things you can say in casual conversation to get her fantasizing about touching you.

The truism about women you can leverage to DOUBLE HER EXCITEMENT!

5 quick & easy steps to go from small talk to dirty talk

Little known ways to link every ounce of her pleasure to your voice. (Do it right and you can make her come simply by whispering in her ear… even in public!)

The Holy Grail of Phone Sex Orgasms! (When you give her this gift, she’ll tell all her girlfriends you are a sex god)

4 powerful outcomes you get from phone sex you absolutely can NOT get from regular sex.

Transcript of all of my narrative in a spiral binder. And much much more… For the first time ever, I have recorded complete demonstrations of these techniques so you can learn exactly how I do it. And I explain what to look for, why it works, and the step-by-step methods I use to make it easy for you to do this with any woman.

If you want specific examples of the techniques, this program will bring them to life and make them crystal clear for you. This program will make everything fall into place.

But there’s more, because I’ve laid out for you…

The never before revealed secrets to extending the length of a woman’s orgasm
In 1992 a research study by Bohlen demonstrated it was possible for a woman to have an orgasm that lasted as long as two minutes. This defied commonly held beliefs that at best a woman’s orgasm lasted 20 seconds.

When I first read this study I gave myself the challenge to figure out how to make this happen for the women in my life. And since I had figured out the secret to any woman’s pleasure was in her erotic mind, I turned to Phone Sex to make it happen.

The good news is… I cracked the code and figured out how to consistently triple the length of a woman’s orgasm from 20 seconds to one full minute. And then two minutes.

The even better news is, for the first time I’m revealing my secret method so you can do it too. Listen, there’s nothing quite like hearing a woman’s orgasm go on and on. And I leave it to your imagination how grateful she will be when you give her this gift.

And it gets even better…

I’ll show you how it’s possible to give any woman an hour-long orgasm!
Once I made it happen, I went for something no one believed possible… an hour long orgasm! Not only did I get a woman to orgasm for an hour, I’ve done it many times with many women.

But this is only possible when you know how to engage her erotic mind. There is no way you can do this just using physical touch. This is the really advanced stuff that will have your woman worship the ground you walk on.

I’ll not only explain how you can do this, you’ll hear me do this with a woman on the phone so you can know it really works.

I’ll let you in on a little known fact… all women are capable of this kind of orgasm. It just takes a Masterful Lover to show her how.

One more thing, and this is important…

No Special Skills Or Previous Experience Required
You may be thinking that it must require a special kind of man to do these things. Nope, it doesn’t. If you can get a date, you can do it. You can do everything I’ve described in this letter.

Listen, I’m a regular guy myself. I had the same fears, misconceptions, and doubts just like any other guy. But 23 years ago, I devoted myself to figuring this all out. I was absolutely amazed at how easy it is. And it has been extremely powerful on women.

You may be thinking that this stuff is too good to be true; that it’s not possible to do these things, or maybe only ‘special’ women really want this.

I totally understand, because when I started out on this 23 years ago, I had no idea these things were possible. It totally surprised me when I started “trying stuff” and found out how powerfully women responded.

That’s why I have included something special for you:

“Why Women LOVE Phone Sex”
A Special Interview with Anne
I realize I have made some bold statements in this letter, and especially about what women desire and long for during sex. And frankly if you aren’t sure if you believe me yet, I won’t be upset.

However, I do want you to understand how powerful a woman’s erotic mind is, so I’ve added in this extra bonus interview with a woman named Anne who I have had phone sex with many times.

If you did nothing else but listen to this interview, you would gain insights on women even Hugh Hefner doesn’t know.

Here’s just a sample of what Anne reveals for you…
Why women desperately desire Dirty Talk from their man

Hear in her own words how phone sex leads her into sexual realms she never thought possible

How women are very explicit about their sexuality and sexual needs with their girlfriends. (And how well their current man is satisfying her)

The key difference between a sensual man and a guy who’s horny

The one quality in a man that turns women on the most (Hint: it has nothing to do with your ‘unit’)

The #1 thing women HATE to do after sex! (And how it instantly dooms your relationship.)

Why really good sex is like Chocolate.

Learn what women really talk about when out of earshot of men

The truth about why women are attracted to Bad Boys, and how you can do it even better.

How phone sex enhances all other sex and makes the relationship so much better.
Full transcript of my interview with Anne in a spiral binder.

Now listen to this sample audio clip of Anne. But Be Warned! This is Intense. Do NOT play this if anyone is anywhere nearby.

In this audio, I extended her orgasm out to a full minute. It’s easy once you know how. But I’m not going to tell you how I did that; I am only going to play her side of the phone call. (I took the artistic liberty to add some background music to the sample. Totally awesome when blasted through the stereo!)

Enjoy hearing the results of what is possible!

Can you imagine how much fun it would be to give your woman the same kind of massive pleasure? Now you can!

Listen, if you’ve read this far, chances are you know this is something you want. But what if it doesn’t work. What if you get it and decide, it’s just not for you?

Well, I’ve got you covered. I understand there are a lot of bullshit con-artists on the Internet, so here is my assurance to you that I stand fully behind my program

Here’s What You Get In This Program:

– The Secrets Of Leveraging The Power of A Woman’s Erotic Mind For Her Enhanced Sexual Pleasure
– Actual Unscripted Recordings Of LIVE Phone Sex Calls
– The Foolproof 11-Step Method For Successful Phone Sex That Results In Orgasm Every Time
– Unrehearsed Authentic Screaming Female Orgasms
– 3 Full Hours of ‘How-To-Do-It Audio
– 9 Real-World Examples of Phone Sex Techniques from Opening to Orgasm, Including:

  • Basic Vanilla Phone Sex
  • Being Extra Naughty
  • Extended Orgasm
  • The Thinkoff (no-hands orgasm)
  • Instant Orgasm on Command
  • Hour Long Orgasm
  • External Orgasm
  • …and more

Foolproof Step-By-Step Instructions On How To Make Everything You Learn Work

Interview With Anne on Why Women Love Phone Sex

2-Hour Bonus Recording “Field Tested Success Secrets”

And My Most Advanced Phone Sex Technique Taken To The Extreme

  • To Thinkoff Or Not To Thinkoff
  • Leveraging Her Existing Fantasies
  • You Don’t Even Have To Describe Sex Acts
  • Her First Vaginal Orgasm – By Phone!
  • And My Ultra-Powerful Top-Secret Technique: Super-Position!

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