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Video Hackr – Derek Allen

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Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $32.00.

The 28 year old dad in the headline above is actually me.  I’m about to tell you a quick story that changed my business forever and has allowed me even more time freedom to spend with my 3 yr old.

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 One More Special Discounted Offer For Video Hero Students Only!

All New For 2017: Still working yourself to death trying to make your videos ‘work’…

“28 Year Old Dad Discovers A Weird System – Killing It With Simple Videos On Facebook For Unlimited Traffic…”

No playing the Google game…

No creating your own video content…

Getting the fastest, most targeted traffic you’ve ever seen… And it can all happen within 1 hour of learning this…

Have you created yourself another full time job with your internet business…

After spending hours of your time getting up to speed on …

  • Video SEO
  • Link Building Strategies
  • And most importantly – your time learning these things only for Google to make one small change that boots your video to page 5

… and then it hits you like a ton of bricks that you’re making less per hour than you would at a job you hated?

Video Marketing Is Supposed To Make You More Money And Your Life Easier…

Not Harder And More Stressful.

Hey Friend,

Derek Allen here, and I need to confess something…

The 28 year old dad in the headline above is actually me.  I’m about to tell you a quick story that changed my business forever and has allowed me even more time freedom to spend with my 3 yr old.

I remember when I first started started video marketing several years ago. It was easy then. Too easy.

Back then I spent months learning all I could about video creation, video SEO, the best places to upload my videos to, you name it. I finally got fed up and just decided to create a video and upload it.

When I uploaded that video (by some combination of dumb luck and determination) I ranked my first ever video on the first page of Google in under a week. That video went on to make me thousands of dollars.

So I tried it again. My second video followed the same blueprint as the first. During the first 2 hours that video was ranked and making me a couple of bucks from the CPA offer I was promoting until some bonehead flagged my video and Youtube took it down.

But this was years ago when gaming Google to rank videos fast and to the top was very, very easy.

Today, ranking a video is like placing a bet on a horse. It’s hard to rank a video when you never know what Google is going to change next.

After a few years of uploading video after video I suddenly realized something:

Big G Is Making It Too Hard To Earn A Paycheck… Causing Me To Work Longer Hours.

I was working in circles in my business…

When I first found a way to consistently pump out videos early in my career I was on a roll.

By this time I had 100 or so videos on the internet with no true way of keeping track of them other than a spreadsheet. So you can imagine that when Google made a change to Youtube or their search it was a real headache.

I felt like all I did at the time was update this or that, build more links to get back my lost ranking, edit my descriptions, the list goes on. Literally, when I would finally get all my rankings back for my profitable videos and running through the whole process – I had to turn around and do it all over again. And every time I heard that Google made a change the feeling of dread came over me.

I realized that instead of having a passive income stream, I was working more hours which caused me to have less time with my family.

I had to reevaluate my plan if I wanted to be more successful with my videos and spend more time with my family.

I sat down one night and listed the reasons why creating all these videos were making me miserable.

These were the major problems I found:

  1. I had videos that were making me money, but when they fell off so did my income. I couldn’t create any new vids because I was spending all my time working to fix my videos because of a Google update. And if I wasn’t doing that I was spending most of the time trying to stay ahead of what Google would do next.
  2. I didn’t have a simple, reliable system to tap into the easier traffic sources for my videos so I had to spend all my time focusing on Ranking in Google. Everyone I was learning from at that time taught me that you HAD to rank or you wouldn’t get any traffic. People still teach this today.
  3. I wasn’t scaling the videos that brought me the most revenue because I didn’t know how. I knew it would be easier to scale my winners but I though Youtube and Google were they only options where people “hung out”.

I Knew That If I Didn’t Solve Those 3 Problems That I Would Have To Give Up On Video Marketing In My Business.

After I identified those problems things started getting better. I found a few traffic sources and other video platforms that performed well.

But soon after, video took a back seat for awhile because of other business offerings that I had to deal with.

When I was finally able to get back into my videos… I had no idea I was about to stumble into a goldmine.

I was in a private mastermind and a fellow member posted about all this success they were having with Facebook advertising and how much traffic he was able to get for just a couple of bucks a day. Then, out of the blue he posted some screenshots of the ROI he was getting because of those ads and I almost hit the floor.

I was impressed to say the least.

It was a nice distraction, but at that time it didn’t really hit me to start promoting my videos with the ads so I just moved on.

Now at this point I was all in again with my videos. Managing, testing, tweaking, updating and messing with those things to keep Google happy was getting exhausting again. I was getting bored with it and that’s a bad sign.

Then one night my wife and I were driving home from a long day of shopping and I had a thought…

“Facebook is a big player with lots of people, what would happen if I put my video in front of them?”

That’s when I had my shining moment that brought me out of exhaustion and into excitement:

There Are Tons Of People On Facebook Who Watch Videos Everyday And It’s Really Easy To Target Them For Cheap…

Get A Video In Front Of The Right Person And They Will Watch.

Forget managing tons of videos to make sure they keep their rankings. No more trying to stay one step ahead of Google or Youtube just to make a buck. No more late nights going through each search term just to make sure they are where they should be.

Instead, I (and you) can simply go where our ideal candidates are.

And that Google is just for WINNING campaigns. The only videos we should be trying to rank on page one are the winners that have proven themselves to convert visitors into actions.

Proving a video converts before spending all that time trying to rank for a keyword saves hours of work and frustration. But it will also guarantee that it pulls more conversions from Google’s free traffic because the video has already proven to work. No more managing 10,50,100 videos because now the only videos that need checking in on are the one’s worth keeping in their spots.

To put it simply, and most importantly, I realized that using Facebook would be an extremely easy way to systemize and scale every video.

I Got Started On My “Theory Videos” Right Away To Test The Facebook Waters Out.

I started studying the mechanics of what makes a great video that people would watch on Facebook. I watched dozens and dozens of videos. I tried to figure out how to engage the viewers, what makes them react, take action…

I found out that Facebook videos are no different than the one’s we all upload to Youtube. The same tactics still applied.

So I got to work. Within a few weeks I had a strategy that I stuck to and I was getting much better results as opposed to throwing a video up on Youtube and hoping it got stuck somewhere. Much more predictable and controllable results. And who doesn’t like that?

However, there are a few specifics that differed, but it didn’t matter because my Facebook ads were working!

Finally! This was the business model I was looking for to work with my videos. It was built around Facebook so the traffic was there, the traffic was targeted, and the traffic was fast (unlike Google). Plus, this is built around a viral platform that’s easy to work in and automate…

The videos were flowing again, but this time I could handle the work load because I didn’t have to worry about losing my spot to a competitor.

This System Made It Possible For Me To Crank Out Winning Video After Winning Video And Scale As Much As I Wanted.

Over the last year I’ve been able to refine my original strategy. Before I would send my traffic directly to Youtube itself. No more.

I’ve actually discovered a little known and rarely used tactic that I’ve kept my lips tight about. I’ve only ever shared this with my tight-knit group of friends. This is the kind of thing most marketers would never share with the public but, with all the niches and items that could be sold with this, there’s no way this could get saturated.

I want to share with you today the system that has completely changed the way I look at video marketing and my business.


Inside You Are Going To Learn My Simple 4 Step Secret Formula:

  1. Research a niche. Just pick any niche really as long as the people in your niche have a passion, and have money to spend on that passion/problem. You can pick any niche really because we will be dealing with Facebook PPC so competition isn’t an issue.
  2. Find a product to sell to those people. I like to use affiliate products to start and then create my own if the market is buying so I can keep all the profits. BUT the product you select NEEDS to meet a few very specific requirements or it will bust before you ever start.
  3. Create your video. This step is so laughably simple. You don’t even need to create your own video because it’s already done for you. You just need to add a few psychological triggers to get more click-throughs.
  4. This is the secret sauce for your video… setting up your Facebook ad. There’s a specific ad you’ll need to set up that hardly anyone uses but is very effective. And don’t run away screaming because we will be using paid ads, there’s hardly any risk and a ton to gain.

Learn these 4 steps and you’ll see how I’m tearing it up without working like a mad man.

This easy to consume course consist of:

Module: 1

5 Minute Niche Research

In this module I will show you how to find a profitable market full of people who have a passion or a problem that they are willing to spend money on.

This goes totally against the grain of every other niche research training because with Video HackR you’ll learn that the bigger the market, the better!

You’ll also learn why competition isn’t even a factor.

Module: 2

Something People Buy

I’ll show you a dead simple way to pick a winning product that people in your niche will buy. You’ll learn to find proven products that have winning conversions so you can maximize your ROI the best you can. However, there are a few qualifying factors that come into place. If you miss even just one of those required elements your campaign could end before it ever started. This works with digital or physical products and even your own.

Module: 3

Video Hacking

You’ll see a dead simple way that allows me to create videos in about 10 minutes or less… There’s no need for you to be on camera, speak, or even fire up your presentation software because I’ll show a little trick that will allow you to legally rip (or hack) other people’s videos to use as your own. I’ll even show you some slick psychological tricks that you can use to increase the click-through rate to your videos like crazy. This may be the easiest way in the world to create more videos in a day than you normally would all month!

Module: 4

Getting The Traffic (the secret sauce)

You’ll learn the one area of the Facebook ads manager that not many people explore, but can get you insane results. And don’t worry if you don’t have hundreds of dollars to dump into your advertising because I’ll show you how to get started with as little as $5-$10… I’ll show you step-by-step how to set up your ad for maximum impact. Everything from creating your ad, targeting your interests, and budgeting. If you’ve used Facebook ads before, there’s a good chance you’ve never done it like this.

The Facebook ads section of this course will literally blow you away. I can guarantee that with this new targeting formula for 2017 you will get more traffic at a much cheaper cost than ever before. This is worth the entire price of admission alone just to learn this underground formula that only the pros use. If you have ever been confused on how to target your ads, this 3 part formula will give you the clearest picture you’ve ever seen. Guaranteed. You’d have to pay at least $100 in the real world for someone to show you just this.

But I know people like and need a plan. So that’s why…

I’m going to walk you through my entire system that I developed and give you a bird’s eye view of the process that I go through from the time I decide to promote a new product, all the way from creating the video to turning on the traffic. All in 10 videos broken down into baby steps that you could go through in about an hour.

So you’re probably wondering:

Derek… How Much man?

If you were to hire me to teach you this personally it would cost at least $100/hr and that’s if I’m even available to take you on as a coaching student (I stay busy).

My video marketing friends have told me that this training alone is worth at least $497 considering the simplicity and the income potential it has packed inside.

While most courses are bloated to make you feel like you “got your money’s worth” but really it’s just a bunch of non-essential information. I don’t want to do that to you. I’m just giving you the things you need to know so you can get up and started as fast as possible.

You could even go down the road I did and learn this stuff on your own, but I can promise you that your cost would be even more than if you were to hire me to show you this personally. I went down the hard road for sure. And even if you were to try to figure this out on your own there would be no guarantee that you would be able to develop as system like this that works for you.

The value here is through the roof because this is something I actually do in my business and I worked hard to perfect it in a way that anyone could follow.

But before I tell you how much the cost is, I’ve got one more thing I would like to add that really shoots this training into an entirely different level of a “must have”.

Tag:  Video Hackr – Derek Allen Review.  Video Hackr – Derek Allen download. Video Hackr – Derek Allen discount. 

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