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Local Client Takeover $1K Mastermind Vault + Local Profit Breakthrough – Mastermind Vaul

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Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $93.00.

You’ll also see my complete marketing funnel and how I attract high end clients initially and then get them more and more excited through a series of follow up emails using psychological triggers that get them picking up the phone or emailing me, pre -sold and ready for your payment link.

Purchase this course you will earn 93 Points = $9.30!


Purchase Local Client Takeover $1K Mastermind Vault + Local Profit Breakthrough – Mastermind Vaul Course at eBokly. We actively participate in group buys and are committed to sharing knowledge with a wider audience. What's more, our courses maintain the same quality as the original sale page. You have the option to buy directly from the sale page at the full price (sale page link is provided within the post).

“Warning: For A Very Limited Time We Are About To Give You An Almost Nasty, Unfair Advantage In The Market By Unlocking The Vault To Our Super Exclusive Final Frontier Mastermind Content

If you are tired of playing small ball and you are ready to take your game to a much higher level, then you won’t want to miss a second of this important letter.

Dear Fellow Local Marketer.

For 8 weeks last summer, after signing a super strict non disclosure agreement…28 people met weekly in secret.

The Reason?

They had joined our exclusive $5,000 per person mastermind carefully crafted to turn their business on its head…

…designed to shake up everything they thought they knew-to rocket the growth of their business…rocket the growth of their ability to get clients quickly, get them incredible results and cash in for big paydays.

And The Results Of This “Experiment” Were Nothing Short Of Astounding!

These were a group of people ready to play at a much higher level who dove in head first and voraciously consumed the almost 120 videos…attended our weekly webinars, chatted with us in private, and shared their massive success stories in our mastermind group.

More On What That Has To Do With You In A Minute

But first

Let’s talk about the big problem facing almost every local digital marketer.

Would you agree that figuring out how to get a consistent stream of local clients, reaching out to you -pre -sold is one of the most difficult things in this business?

Maybe you finally pick a local niche that seems like it should be profitable, only to find out that business owners are not willing to pay anywhere near what you are asking?

Perhaps you are still stuck trying to figure out this “SEO” ranking thing and what makes it tick…consistently and with repeatable processes?

Maybe you’ve followed all of the right steps but it still hasn’t quite clicked for you.

Do you ever feel like you are getting close, but your rankings get stuck…just out of sight…or clients are just within your reach but then you never hear from them again?

Or finally getting really good at the technical side but finding out that every single business you contact is sick to death of being sold on “SEO.”

Do you ever feel frustrated as hell and just want to yell at your computer-this sucks?!

I mean there’s nothing worse than spending every last minute you have, putting your family and friends aside-trying to learn digital marketing techniques, only to find out you had it wrong…all along.

You Are Not Alone My Friend. Not By A Long Shot

How do we know? We’ve been exactly where you are at.

But the team at Local Client Takeover has been at this a long time. Some of us have been in digital marketing since 2003.

And in that time we figured out exactly how to go from zero to over 400 clients and…

…exactly what it takes to service that many clients not by yourself, but with an outsourced team.

Now why would that be important?

So that you can enjoy the money that comes in from having a massive agency and not be glued to your computer 24/7.

So that you can finally have a lifestyle oriented business centered around your needs…your family’s needs so you aren’t a slave to your business.

Something We Still Hear Everyday…

Our once little Local Client Takeover group has ballooned to thousands of members.

But you know what we hear every single day? Mark, Brian, Matt

“I can’t seem to land a client or enough clients.”

“I keep getting close to getting sites ranked but then they stall.”

“How do I get clients to come to me instead of having to chase after them?”

“How were you guys able to grow your agencies so large?”

We’ve Heard You Loud And Clear!

We’ve heard you loud and clear and we wanted to provide a solution to these issues and really all of your digital marketing questions.

And we are about to unleash something so big it will send shockwaves through the digital marketing community.

In fact we are about to hand you the keys to the kingdom because we know that you are just on the verge of huge breakthrough you need to finally scale your digital marketing into a full time, highly profitable, highly lucrative business.

We are also about to hand you all the tools, tips, and shortcut secrets we’ve used to build powerhouse agencies.

NOT SEO businesses. FULL digital marketing agencies. All in one spot.

No Hype, No Fluff, No B.S.

Just real blueprintsreal case studies, that show you step-by-step, how to finally get results to build highly profitable, highly sustainable local digital marketing businesses.

Who Succeeds In This Business And Who Doesn’t

The people who succeed the most in this business we call digital marketing are the ones who don’t sit around waiting for things to happen…they make things happen.


They are committed to taking massive action.

In this mastermind, one thing we teach is what we call our speed to implementation rule.

Sure, not everything you do is going to be a winner.

But the faster you take action, and implement what you learn, the faster you are going to get results.

For a limited time, if you are a super action taker…

And if you promise you will use our speed to implementation rule and dive right in, then you can unlock everything today.

Yep instant access to the almost 120 videos and webinars in the Mastermind Area. The same mastermind content we charged $5,000.00 for just last summer.

If this is you, great.

If not, that’s ok too.

Why Listen To Local Client Takeover?

We aren’t some coaches who jump into a program who don’t practice what we preach…who don’t use exactly what we teach.

We’ve all built very large digital marketing agencies.

We are talking 7 figures large.

And best part? We don’t push a bunch of garbage affiliate links on you.

So IF you are ready to stop playing small ball, we are ready to teach you some next level stuff that will blow your mind.

It’s really that simple.

More Clients. More Sales. More Top Results. 

Get ready to start racking up highly valuable clients or build up an arsenal of your own digital real estate and get top ranking results…

…because you won’t know what hit you by the time you see what we are prepared to hand over.

So This Is All Good News For You. Why? 

The team at Local Client Takeover will be transitioning its mastermind format in the coming months to do super exclusive, in -person events where we work one-on -one with just a handful of serious business owners ready to drastically transform their business.

It will be just a handful of super committed business owners in a room, over a weekend who walk away with businesses ready to explode like a powder keg.

Our Change Is Your Gain!

So that left us with this life changing mastermind material…to the tune of 120 videos sitting in a vault where only 28 people could access them.

We decided that wasn’t doing anyone any good.

There’s no sense in locking up what many called the absolute best mastermind they have ever been a part of.

So we are about to give you instant access to all 8 of these game changing high end mastermind modules, and all webinars we did, plus a ton of supplemental content, funnels, actual contracts and proposals we use and so much more.

Here’s The $5,000 Mastermind Material You’ll Get Access To The Minute You Hit The Button Below.

Mastermind Module 1 -Our Top Secret Fast Ranking Techniques.

If ranking websites, YouTube videos or parasites fast has been a mystery to you, you won’t want to miss a second this module.

We are going to teach you the exact process, step-by-step, that we use to rank local websites and parasites to #1 in record time, and get them to stick.

This is next level stuff that almost no one else is doing.

Into ranking YouTube videos? We have you covered. Our main YouTube course (which you also get access to) covers basic ranking, but here we show all of the ninja tricks we use to get super competitive videos ranking at the top of page 1 for almost any term.

We also cover conversion optimization this week. You can rank anything you want, but if it doesn’t convert, it won’t matter. We’ll show you how we get the phones ringing for our clients so they never want to leave.

Mastermind Module 2 –Setting Up Your Digital Marketing Agency The Right Way: Closing The Deal, Protecting Your Business And Maintaining The Upper Hand.

We’ll run you through some of the best ways to set up your business infrastructure to be in a position to massively scale.

Without this -it will be tough for you to have more than a handful of clients. But learn this, and you can grow your business to hundreds of clients if you want and be able to manage them seamlessly.

And -keep them happy.

You’ll also get our complete arsenal of the contracts and proposals we use and learn why we use them, plus how to price properly to get premium fees for every single service you sell, AND how to protect you and your business with the right contractual language…

…plus -how to make sure you own and have full control over as many properties as possible and how the right contractual language will ensure this.

Do this wrong and you could have clients try to claim ownership to sites you own.

Mastermind Module 3 -Becoming Client Acquisition And Selling Machine.

Starting in this module and continuing into week 4, we are going to teach you how to generate leads week in and week out for your business.

But you can become very good at getting a huge influx of leads and not know how to close them.

In this week you are going to learn exactly what we do and say to get clients saying yes nearly every time.

You’ll learn an endless array of tactics that we use to find and close local clients every single day who are hungry for your services.

Hint: Some are so simple and so dead -on effective, yet almost no one uses them. We pick up clients daily using these secrets.

You’ll learn exactly how to position yourself and your services so you don’t come across like everyone else in town.

SEO is after all, a dirty word.

So we’ll teach you exactly how we become a business owner’s marketing partner by showing them gaps in their existing business and positioning ourselves as marketing experts, not just SEOs.

SEO is only one component of what it takes to earn premium fees as a local digital marketer.

Get ready to eliminate price shopping for good.

There simply won’t be anyone else they could compare you with once you start applying the tactics we teach you this week.

Mastermind Module 4-Lead Generation Part 1

Don’t want to find or even talk to clients?

In Module 4, we do a deep dive into many more client acquisition strategies.

BUT more importantly we show you how we automate the client getting process through in -bound marketing and how we’ve used this technique to close several, multi -thousand dollar a month clients -some without even a single phone conversation!

We’ll also hand you every funnel we’ve used to turn SEO on its head to land high paying clients. Yep the exact funnels.

You are also going to learn some wicked copywriting tactics that ensure your funnels have big conversion numbers.

Translation: You’ll get a hell of a lot more clients just by learning exactly how we break down copywriting.

Mastermind Module 5 -Lead Generation Part 2

How we use Facebook, Google Adwords and even proprietary tools to get clients reaching out to us, asking us to call them every single day.

This technique is so effective, we recently used it to pull in 11 lawyer leads in just 9 days who want high dollar pay per lead services. Our cost to generate the leads? $125.

Then we used this wicked tactic to nab a total of 67 lawyer leads, resulting in 8, multi -thousand dollar per month pay per lead clients!

I’ll also hand you my entire full Facebook marketing course that lawyers have paid thousands for.

Learning this one technique is so effective it’s worth the price of admission alone.

You’ll also see my complete marketing funnel and how I attract high end clients initially and then get them more and more excited through a series of follow up emails using psychological triggers that get them picking up the phone or emailing me, pre -sold and ready for your payment link.

Hint: Every single big product launch leverages these time-tested psychological triggers to get people into a buying frenzy the minute a product hits the market.

You’ll learn how to do the exact same thing here to get local and even national clients dying to work with you and only you.

You’ll also learn our agency model and how we partner with web developers, marketing agencies and more with the right incentive based referral plans.

Forget about getting 1 client at a time. Learn this and you’ll have other companies frothing at the mouth to hand you all of their clients.

This week we also cover how we leverage the results we get for clients to get them reaching out to us again and again -asking how they can hand us more money.

Yes, this happens frequently.

So instead of you calling them and offering them additional services, we are going to teach you how to make it part of the your normal process -getting them so excited about your results that they can’t wait to hand you more money for more of these results.

We’ve literally used this technique to take $1,500 clients and turn them into $3k or $4k a month clients.

Tag: Local Client Takeover $1K Mastermind Vault + Local Profit Breakthrough – Mastermind Vaul Review. Local Client Takeover $1K Mastermind Vault + Local Profit Breakthrough – Mastermind Vaul download. Local Client Takeover $1K Mastermind Vault + Local Profit Breakthrough – Mastermind Vaul discount.

Purchase the Local Client Takeover $1K Mastermind Vault + Local Profit Breakthrough – Mastermind Vaul course at the best price at eBokly. Upon completing your purchase, you will gain access to the downloads page. where you can conveniently retrieve all associated course files. Additionally, we will send you a download notification email to your registered mail.

Unlock your full potential with our Local Client Takeover $1K Mastermind Vault + Local Profit Breakthrough – Mastermind Vaul courses. Our courses are meticulously designed to empower you with the skills and knowledge needed for excellence.

Why wait? Take the first step towards greatness by acquiring our Local Client Takeover $1K Mastermind Vault + Local Profit Breakthrough – Mastermind Vaul courses today. We ensure a smooth and secure purchasing experience that guarantees your peace of mind. Rest assured that your financial information is safeguarded through our trusted payment gateways, Stripe and PayPal.

Stripe, renowned for its robust security measures, offers a secure and dependable payment process. Your sensitive data is encrypted using state-of-the-art technology, ensuring its confidentiality throughout the transaction.

PayPal, a globally recognized payment platform, adds an extra layer of security. With its buyer protection program, you can make your purchase with confidence, knowing that your financial details are protected, allowing you to focus on your learning journey.

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