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Your Electric Body – Eileen McKusick

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Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $84.00.

Receive whole-body ‘tunings’ — from feet to crown — to slow down your brain waves and shift every cell in your body from dis-ease to ease.

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Receive whole-body ‘tunings’ — from feet to crown — to slow down your brain waves and shift every cell in your body from dis-ease to ease.

Learn practices you can use daily to shift the electromagnetic energy in your biofield to address the root causes of pain, anxiety, sleep and digestive issues, and much more…

Amplify your resonance for self-love, more energy, a greater sense of freedom, and more playfulness, lightness, and vitality.

If you’ve ever experienced a sound healing, you know that it feels really good

Your entire body relaxes — almost instantaneously — as you sink into a delicious state of calm.

Stress, even pain, dissipates, and feelings of joy filter in, as your brain waves slow down and every cell in your body shifts from dis-ease to ease.

Sound healing conducted with a medical tuning fork provides this overall feel-good sensation, while also helping to clear stuck energies throughout your body and biofield, the energy field that surrounds and permeates your body.

Harmonizing or balancing your chi or life-force energy — noted for its electromagnetic qualities when working with this modality — allows your system to reach an optimal state of wellness and vitality.

According to renowned sound-therapy practitioner and award-winning author Eileen McKusick, sound healing can be used to address all manner of physical and emotional imbalances and unlock the hidden causes of illness — from digestive issues to depression, anxiety, and insomnia — and can also provide a boost to the immune system.

In Eileen’s online course, Your Electric Body you’ll experience the balancing effects a tuning fork can have on your biofield — as well as mind-body explorations and practices you can do to help increase the benefits of these effects.

The purchase of a tuning fork is not required, and the full benefit of this course is designed to be achieved without a tuning fork in hand — through Eileen’s instruction and in receiving the biofield “tune-ups” she’ll be providing with her tuning fork in each module.

The mind-body practices Eileen shares, which you can use daily — even without the aid of a medical tuning fork — can help you optimize your health, shift unbeneficial thought patterns (or “mind viruses” as Eileen calls them), get “unstuck” around life issues, jump-start creativity, and bring more pleasure and joy into your life.

In each module of the 7-part course, you’ll focus on a different area of your body — from your feet and knees to your brow and crown — to explore the imbalances that typically occur there.

You’ll gain perspectives and practices for bringing these areas into balance, and you’ll experience a tuning fork sound healing to aid in this “harmonizing.”

You’ll delve far beneath the surface of emotional and physical issues to explore their deeper causes, which can include everything from feelings of low self-worth to unconscious addictions (including addiction to drama or to a particular self-sabotaging “story” you tell yourself) to energetic “static” passed down to you through generations and permeating your DNA.

Over the decades that Eileen has researched and worked with this potent form of sound healing, she’s seen consistent benefits in recipients, including a marked boost in vitality and quality of life…

In this highly experiential course, you can expect to touch into these powerful transformations:

  • An empowering new understanding of the nature of your body and the world around you
  • Greater love and appreciation for your body and your life
  • Improved energy levels and overall health
  • A quieter mind and more comfort with your emotions
  • Increased creativity and more effective problem solving
  • Clearer thinking and better sleep
  • Improved stress management
  • Improved breathing and a deep sense of being grounded

How Sound Healing Via a Tuning Fork Works…

Eileen uses a tuning fork to help create the optimal flow of your electromagnetic energy by sending out vibrations that detect a physical or emotional imbalance, which shows up as resistance and turbulence in your biofield.

Ultimately, the use of coherent tones on and around the body reduces dissonance and resistance in the body’s electrical system, allowing for optimal flow of your electromagnetic energy and an overall state of wellbeing…

Simply put, sound healing through the use of a tuning fork creates vibrational frequencies that allow the body to “tune” itself.


During this powerful program with Eileen, you’ll:

  • Gain an understanding of your biofield and how it relates to the health of your “electrical” system
  • Understand the ways in which you may be stuck and how to get unstuck
  • Experience a powerful sense of being grounded and learn how to access this feeling of centeredness when stressed
  • Start to notice when you’re misspending “electrical currency” — through over thinking, over doing, engaging in struggle or drama, or overindulging in distractions
  • Start to heal old wounds related to home life and family, giving you more energy to maintain order in your environment
  • Recognize how patterns of guilt, shame, frustration, and disappointment can keep you from experiencing pleasure, intimacy, creativity, and monetary abundance
  • Understand the “posture of victimhood” and how to shift out of it into a creative, neutral center
  • Discover how to improve your relationship with money, partners, and your own body
  • Reprogram the inner critic with an inner coach
  • Recognize the importance of saying no — and be able to do it without guilt
  • Open (a lot more!) to receiving by transforming your perspective on receptivity
  • Release the patterns of tension that can give rise to headaches, migraines, or neck pain
  • Experience a greater sense of presence, stillness, and equanimity
  • Sleep more peacefully and wake up more rested
  • And much more…

Eileen is a pioneering researcher in sound-healing therapy and has spent more than 20 years exploring and mapping the human biofield.

She’s discovered that the human biofield contains a very specific anatomy and physiology, and that it can be successfully modulated with the tone of a simple medical tuning fork to produce consistent and useful therapeutic outcomes. Her methods are non-invasive and easy to learn.

In this powerful program, you’ll receive a special Biofield Anatomy Map as part of the course materials. This customized map, created by Eileen as a result of her extensive research on sound healing’s effects on the human biofield, can help you gauge your biofield areas in need of balancing — and expand the way you view your body and its boundaries.

Course participants will also receive a special bonus video from Eileen that provides instruction in how to use a tuning fork on yourself; however, the purchase of a tuning fork is not required to take this course.

During the program, you’ll receive tuning fork “tuneups” from Eileen and mind-body practices you can do to help amplify the effects of these adjustments.

This course may be of particular interest to healing practitioners curious about how sound healing can amplify the effectiveness of chi-based and other healing modalities.

When you join this potent online course, you’ll gain proven approaches for addressing your physical and emotional imbalances — from headaches to heartache — to optimize your overall wellbeing and open to a life filled with more joy, greater vitality, and new possibilities.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-module online course, Eileen will guide you in practices you can use daily to shift the electromagnetic energy in your biofield to address what may be the underlying causes of pain, anxiety, sleep and digestive issues, and much more.

This course will feature teachings, healing sessions, and experiential practices with Eileen’s expert guidance. Each module will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to slow down your brain waves and begin to shift every cell in your body from dis-ease to ease.

Module 1: Discovering Your Biofield Through Your Foundational Zone (Feet & Knees)

Discover your biofield and what a “tuning” does for it by exploring and balancing your field from the feet up.

Our feet and knees represent our movements towards and away from life circumstances. If you’re “frozen” in some way, this stuckness shows up strongly in these zones.

Imbalances can appear as pain or discomfort in feet, knees, or shins, in a sense of not being able to move forward, and as indecision, anxiety, or addictions to drama and/or substances. Balance appears as a greater sense of flow.

This week, you’ll:

  • Gain an understanding of your biofield and how it relates to the health of your “electrical” system
  • Understand the ways in which you may be stuck and how to get unstuck
  • Recognize the patterns that keep you stuck as “electrical resistance” or noise in the signal of your biofield
  • Receive an adjustment to release resistance and create alignment

Module 2: Exploring Imbalances & Finding a Comforting Groundedness (Tailbone & Root Center)

The “root center” of the body reveals electrical energies around doing versus non-doing. On your right side, you experience the imbalance of overdoing and overthinking; on your left side, you experience the imbalance of frustration or non-doing.

Emotional issues pertaining to your home, early family life, and the tendency to self-sabotage show up here. Related physical symptoms include sciatica, hip pain, low back pain, sluggish digestion, and overall low energy.

A balanced root center reveals a conservation of thinking and doing energy. It also relates to being well-grounded, receiving energy from the earth, and having a well- charged battery. A clean and ordered home is a reflection of an integrated and healthy root energy.

This week, you’ll:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the “body as battery”
  • Experience a powerful sense of being grounded and learn how to access this feeling of centeredness when stressed
  • Start to notice when you’re misspending electrical currency — through overthinking, overdoing, engaging in struggle or drama, or overindulging in distractions
  • Start to heal old wounds related to home life and family, giving you more energy to maintain order in your environment


Module 3: Happily Receiving Resources for Boosting Creative Expression, Pleasure & Inspiration (Sacral Center)

The sacral zone governs creativity, intimate relationships, sexuality, pleasure, flow of resources, and embodiment. It also holds the energy of guilt, shame, frustration, and disappointment.

Physical issues that arise when this area is “derailed” include poor digestion and elimination, chronic frustration and sense of victimhood, low libido, low energy overall, lower back pain, yeast infections, candida, and other reproductive issues.

The balanced expression of this center allows for happily receiving resources, intimacy, pleasure, creative inspiration, and embodiment.

This week, you’ll:

  • Feel more embodied and present in your pelvis
  • Recognize how patterns of guilt, shame, frustration, and disappointment can keep you from experiencing pleasure, intimacy, creativity, and monetary abundance
  • Understand the “posture of victimhood” and how to shift out of it into a creative, neutral center
  • Discover how to improve your relationship with money, partners, and your own body
  • Reprogram the inner critic with an inner coach


Module 4: Establishing a Healthy Balance of Positive & Negative ‘Electric Charge’ (Naval/Solar Plexus)

This complex center holds the energy of your mother and father, and your drive, will, gumption, and ability to say yes and to finish things. It’s also where you store anger and feelings of powerlessness, and it governs the expression of your inner power, digestive fire, and fight-flight-freeze mechanism.

Physical issues arising from an imbalance in this area can manifest as digestive distress, adrenal fatigue and burnout, allergies, autoimmune disorders, skin conditions, and general feeling of malaise.

In balance, this zone enables strong digestion, the energy to tackle clutter and finish projects, a healthy balance of yin and yang (positive and negative electric charge), cultivating a flow state, personal empowerment, and compassion.

This week, you’ll:

  • Experience more overall energy and drive
  • Gain an understanding of the concept of “energenetics” — and work directly with the emotional composition of the “DNA music” we inherit from our ancestors
  • Experience what it’s like to consider your digestive tract as being an incinerator that combusts food as fuel and turns it into light that feeds your “electrical system”
  • Gain tools for staying centered and experiencing more compassion and less judgement towards yourself and others
  • Discover and experience your own inner radiance

Module 5: Being in Balance With Your Heart’s Desires for More Joy & Gratitude (Heart)

Your heart center governs your lungs, hands and arms, and physical heart. It holds the expression of giving and receiving love, but can also harbor hate, grief, depression, and despair.

Physical symptoms of imbalance can express as shallow breathing, asthma, shoulder, arm, or hand pain, upper back pain, poor posture, and a sense of overwhelm.

In balance, this center allows you to express joy, freely give of your gifts, graciously receive from others, be in balance and accord with your heart’s desires, and easily feel spontaneous gratitude.

This week, you’ll:

  • Identify and release hidden patterns of hate
  • Identify and release “world pain” and despair
  • Strengthen the function of your heart, lungs, and diaphragm
  • Recognize the importance of saying no — and be able to do it without guilt
  • Open (a lot more!) by transforming your perspective on receptivity

Module 6: Exploring Your Throat Chakra as the Root of Your Divine Expression (Throat)

The throat chakra is one of our most important energy centers; it is by our word that we create our life. Examining what comes out of your mouth — rather than what goes into it — is one of the main focuses of Biofield Tuning.

This center holds the energy of our voice, creative expression, and ability to speak our truth. Imbalances present as speaking and not being heard, not listening to and following your own inner direction, and repressing self-expression. It also holds your thyroid, which plays a large role in your overall energy level.

Physical issues from imbalances include neck pain, hyper or suppressed thyroid function, vertigo, dental disease, and teeth clenching and grinding.

In balance, this center holds your ability for divine expression, speaking your truth, and expressing creativity. It’s also your center of pleasure and passion.

This week, you’ll:

  • Release blocks preventing you from expressing your feelings, speaking your truth, and responding to your inner cues
  • Strengthen your thyroid through resonant sound exercises
  • Open to new inspiration
  • Improve thyroid function
  • Dive into the power of the word and learn how to manage what you speak, so you can create more powerfully
  • Experience eating as all pleasure and no guilt

Module 7: Relaxing Into True Healing Through Your Crown Center (Brow & Crown)

Your brow and crown centers hold your tendency to go out of the now and grasp thoughts of the past or future. Busy mind likes to fuss and create drama and stress, which can often be rooted in either regret about past actions or fear around future circumstances.

True healing is about being able to be fully present, relaxed, and resting in the moment.

Your crown center holds your power to achieve this. It holds your relationship with the Divine, the cycles of time, and the universe in general.

Both the brow and crown centers can also hold imbalances caused by head injuries, headaches and migraines, PTSD, lack of time or money pressures, and stress in general.

When these centers are in balance you feel a release of pressure, an ability to be present in the moment, to respond to stressors appropriately — instead of reacting to them. You sleep more peacefully, wake up rested, and experience a sense of ease as you go through your days.

This week, you’ll:

  • Learn how to bring all of your self into the present moment through easily accessing an alpha brainwave state
  • Recognize the “hamster wheels” of worry and regret, and how to get your mind off of them
  • Release the patterns of tension that can give rise to headaches, migraines, or neck pain
  • Experience a greater sense of presence, stillness, and equanimity
  • Sleep more peacefully and wake up more rested

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Modules With Eileen McKusick

Experience a rare opportunity to learn from researcher, Biofield Tuning founder, sound therapy practitioner, and author Eileen McKusick — from the comfort of your own home. Each module includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to shift the electromagnetic energy in your biofield to address imbalances in your body.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Modules

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class modules, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

The Your Electric Body Bonus Collection

  • Food, Your Body & Your Biofield
    Part 1 of the Audio Course From Eileen McKusick
  • Raise Your Voltage
    3-Part Audio Tuning Fork Healing Series From Eileen McKusick
  • Healing for the Spine
    Audio Session From Eileen McKusick
  • Using Tuning Forks on Yourself
    Video Teaching From Eileen McKusick

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