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The Client Acquisition Formula – Troy Dean

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The Client Acquisition Formula  – Troy Dean… The simple mindset reframing technique that eliminates the frustration of prospecting and keeps you excited for the “thrill of the hunt” so you can bounce back from No’s instantly.

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The Client Acquisition Formula – Troy Dean

The Client Acquisition Formula - Troy Dean

An Open Letter to Every Agency Owner Who Wants More Clients — But Has Never Been Able to Get Them Without “Luck” …

Most people probably won’t believe what I’m about to say.

Really, I couldn’t care less.

However, what I will promise is this:

If you believe me, you will be well rewarded.

If you don’t, I’ll make it worth your while to change your mind.

Let me explain…

On this page, I’m going to show you a repeatable way to get new clients whenever you want.

Not bottom-of-the-barrel clients who haggle over price and don’t respect your process…

And not the type of clients you have to wait 3-6 months to hear back from…

Good clients, who respect you, who follow your process, who pay on time.

And I’m going to show you how to attract them with so much predictability…

You’ll never have to worry about where your next client is coming from — or whether you’ll have enough money for the month — ever again

If you don’t know me, my name is Troy Dean.

I’m a former web designer turned agency growth strategist, and the CEO of Agency Mavericks.

Several years ago, after my agency grew to high 6-figures, I started getting asked to speak at digital marketing conferences all over the world to talk about agency growth.

I realised there was a big gap in the market for training specific to agency owners — not just the run-of-the-mill fluff that was being repeated by every “guru” — but proven, actionable training from practitioners.

One thing led to another, and I went on to become one of the most in-demand authorities on scaling digital agencies to 6 figures and beyond.

Now, my team and I have helped over 3,417 agency owners scale — some of them to well over 7-figures — by working less, making more, and having more fun.

But it wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows.​

When I started my agency, I spent close to two years spinning my wheels trying to “crack the code” of getting clients…

I tried probably a hundred different strategies and tactics to get clients, but I could never get more than a sporadic trickle of leads coming in.

Nothing seemed to work, and I HATED the fact that I had to rely on luck just to earn enough to survive.

So I became hell-bent on answering the one burning question in the minds of most agency owners:

“Why is Getting Clients — Paying Clients — So Freakin’ Hard?”

I used to ask myself that on a daily basis.

I would lay awake at night wondering how — with hundreds of ways to find leads and all the information on the internet — I was only able to generate a few leads here and there…

And barely make enough to support MYSELF… let alone my family.

I was tired of the sporadic way I was getting clients.

I was tired of undervaluing myself just to put food on the table.

I was tired of having no consistent work.

I wanted more.

I was ready for more.

But no matter what I tried, I couldn’t crack the code… even though I had a good portfolio competitive prices… and great testimonials.

Most of the time when I would reach out to potential clients, I would either be ignored, or get a canned response like “we’ll consider you in the future” — then crickets.

I felt like I was stuck on a hamster wheel… putting in all this effort but getting nowhere.

Want me to keep going? I did it all. In fact, you wanna know what my marketing strategy consisted of?

“Throw a bunch of sh*t at the wall and see what sticks”

But there was just one problem: nothing stuck.

At least, not consistently enough for me to build a real business.

And I can tell you, after almost ten years coaching agency owners to scale to 6-figures and beyond, that strategy rarely works.

That’s when I realised…

The agencies that are able to attract clients seemingly “on-command”…

That are able to charge $5k… $10k… even $20k per client…

That are immune to the “feast-famine” cycles and cash flow issues so many agencies are riddled with…

Those agencies have a SYSTEM — rooted in fixed principles — that wove the individual tactics and strategies together into something PRACTICAL and EFFECTIVE.

Kind of like a recipe; do this, then do that, and get this result.

Plain, simple “cause and effect”.

With this newfound discovery, I went back to the drawing board and looked at what had worked best for me in the past…

And I started putting together my own system.

There were some challenges, of course.

But after a few months, I had a predictable and repeatable process for attracting quality clients who respected my expertise, whenever I wanted.

And because I could bring on as many clients as I wanted, I had far better positioning with my clients. They respected me and my process — they saw me not just as an expert, but an authority.

I was able to start doubling, tripling, even quadrupling my prices. And clients would pay without hesitation.

There was a hidden benefit to this too:

Whenever I wanted to bring on more clients, I didn’t have to think about where to start and what to do.

I knew exactly where to start:

First Step 1.

Then Step 2.

Then Step 3.

And so on.

Literally as easy as baking a cake.

It was because of this system that I was able to hit my first $10,000 month.

And because I was attracting quality clients who respected my process, there was little-to-no resistance to being on recurring care plans.

That meant I could very quickly build an almost-passive recurring income of $5,000 per month to cover my bills.

Everything on top of that was profit.

And with every new project I closed, that recurring revenue increased.

The rest is history.

Since I started Agency Mavericks back in 2013, I’ve been able to test and refine this system with close to 100 different agencies that I’ve helped coach directly.

Ask the owners of these agencies and they’ll tell you, we practically got it down to an exact science:

Fast-forward to today…

Now… over the last year with the whole “global pandemic” thing… I’ve had a strong urge to share this system with more agency owners.

A lot of new and experienced agency owners were hit pretty hard. This system is needed now, more than ever. And I feel obligated to share.

I would have done so sooner, but I was a little preoccupied…

So in the weeks following my daughter’s birth, my team and I began putting things in motion to put this system in the hands of more people…

Meet Goldie!

And in doing so, I believe we created possibly the simplest, easiest, and most effective client-getting methodology for agency owners — ever.


The Client Acquisition Formula

A four-week program that shows you step-by-step how to create your own repeatable system and process for attracting high-paying clients on-command, whenever you want.

Here’s what you’ll learn inside the Client Acquisition Formula…


The Client-Getting Mindset

What to do if you don’t have an office or team to make prospects respect and trust you like a bigger agency… so you don’t have to act like the “little guy” and let your own mindset get in the way of charging what you’re worth.

How to banish Imposter Syndrome for good and get taken seriously so you no longer doubt your abilities or let it throttle the growth of your business.

The “Intention” trick to hack your subconscious, double productivity, and get more done in a day than most get done in a week.

You’ll never get to the end of the day and be disappointed in yourself for not doing much because this little “ritual” will have you crossing off your task list in half the time. (This alone is worth more than what we’re charging for everything.)

How to transition between living and working at home and easily “switch off” at the end of the day so you don’t burn out and have time for yourself and your family every day.


Positioning, Productisation, and Offer Creation

Consulting and done-for-you services: How to structure, position, and productise lump-sum and recurring revenue offers to make more money per client and avoid “feast-famine” cash flow.

Never worry about whether you’ll have enough money to get through the month — this module will show you how to earn steady income year-round.

Coaching: How to transition from done-for-you (if desired) and position yourself as a coach to earn higher profits and become an industry authority. Your income will skyrocket and you’ll have more impact from this higher-leverage model.

Courses: How to turn your expertise into a product to reach maximum scalability with your income, impact, and freedom.

No longer will you have to trade time or effort for money — you’ll have a scalable product that allows you to help as many people as you like.


The “Sweet Spot”

How to combine your skills, passion, and what the market needs to discover your TRUE calling and UNIQUE value proposition.

You’ll learn how to create a “blue ocean” and eliminate all competition so prospects don’t shop around and take 3-6 months to agree to your proposal.


Your “Circle of Influence”

How to identify your REAL ideal client using the “100 Prospect List” method to take the guesswork out of who you should be working with.

You’ll know without a quiver of doubt that you’re targeting the right businesses because they’ll be eager-to-buy… before they’ve even heard your pitch.

The “Firestarter” technique to establish relationships with top influencers in your niche — and become one yourself — to attract a flood of prospects who know you, trust you, and want to work with you.

How to form your “Gang of 5” — a circle of referral partners who serve your niche, and can send clients your way for free. You’ll have security and peace-of-mind knowing you can always lean on them to help you out when you need business.


The “Four Forces”

The “Four Forces” that dictate how your ideal clients make decisions, and how to use them to understand your prospects better than they do themselves.

You’ll have supreme confidence and certainty because you’ll know exactly what to say in your marketing and sales process to get prospects to take ACTION.


Your Signature System

How to turn your services into a product that’s easier to deliver, prevents scope creep, and allows you to charge premium prices.

Your confidence and self-esteem will soar because you’ll have a repeatable system for getting clients better, faster results than anyone in your market.


“Panning for Gold”

The simple mindset reframing technique that eliminates the frustration of prospecting and keeps you excited for the “thrill of the hunt” so you can bounce back from No’s instantly.

The “Doctor Maisy” technique for quickly becoming “micro-famous” in your niche and the first person your ideal client thinks about when they have the specific problem that you solve. You’ll have prospects messaging you out of the blue just to get YOUR advice.

How to use “gift giving” to leverage the Law of Reciprocity and instantly become more likeable and trustworthy — ideal clients will be lining up in hordes to “pay back the favour”.

Proven organic outreach methods that prevent the infuriating “we’ll consider you in the future” response — or worse, being ignored all together. Have confidence knowing you can use these methods at any time to quickly get leads in the pipeline for no cost at all.


“Running the Bases”

First to Second: The proven process to lead prospects to a positive buying decision, even if you suck at sales or don’t like selling.

You won’t have to deal with nervousness before calls or meetings because this process is so simple, my 13 year old niece could do it and sign a client.

Second to Third: How to onboard clients and get their project started so fast and fluidly, you’ll leave their jaw on the floor with how organised you are.

Say goodbye to the frustration of having to wait on clients to get you what you need, or long drawn-out projects.


“The Home Run”

The “swipe and deploy” framework for getting video testimonials from clients that do the selling for you.

Use them on your website and in your automated appointment funnel to wake up every morning with eager-to-buy prospects booked into your calendar.

How to build an automated appointment funnel that positions you as an authority and fills your calendar with pre-sold appointments.

Imagine the exhilaration of waking up and already having calls booked with prospects who WANT to work with you. All you have to do is get on the calls, tell them your price, and collect the check.

“It has given me a strategic plan for growing my business and for attracting the right kind of clients.”

So, what’s the investment?

Up until now, the only way you could get all of this training was in our elite mastermind, The Mavericks Club.

Membership for that is $25,000 USD per year, and we have over 60 members who gladly pay that.

The next best option — which only has PART of this training — is our 6 month Accelerator Coaching Programs…

Which is an investment of $6,000 USD.

But I’m not even going to charge that much.

Our program for beginners — the Digital Agency Blueprint — has maybe a fraction of this client-getting training.

The investment for that? $2,997 USD.

But, again, I’m not going to charge that much.

What do you think would be fair?

I want to get this in the hands of as many agency owners as possible.

Right now, you are at a crossroads

Every once in a blue moon, we’re faced with critical decisions that can alter the course of our life…

Make the wrong decision, and it leads to months… even years of frustration and headache.

Make the right decision, and life as you know it changes forever.

Right now, you’re faced with one of those decisions.

Here are your options:

Option 1

Continue on your own, keep pounding the pavement, and keep grinding day-in and day-out to get clients. Maybe you’ll come across something that works after months or years of struggle.

Option 2

Join the Client Acquisition Formula, leverage a proven system that compounds the power of individual tactics and strategies, and finally start attracting new clients consistently.

The decision is yours alone to make. I urge you to take advantage of the opportunity in front of you. But before I sign-off, ask yourself:
If you were 12 months in the future, looking back on this moment, and your life and business were still exactly the same — would you be okay with that?

Don’t pass up your opportunity to get the Client Acquisition Formula!

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